class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Getting Started with R, R Studio, and R Markdown ## .small[EDUC/PSY 6600] --- class: inverse, middle, center # Background Information --- ![]( ### []( .large[**R Markdown** documents are fully **reproducible**. Use a productive *notebook* interface to *weave* together narrative **text** and **code** to produce *elegantly* formatted output. Use multiple languages including **R**, Python, and SQL.] --- ![]( ### []( .large[**Knitr** is an engine for *dynamic report generation* with **R**. It is a package in the statistical programming language **R** that enables integration of **R code** *into* **LaTeX**, LyX, HTML, Markdown, AsciiDoc, and reStructuredText documents.] --- # You will need to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL the following: .large[.large[ 1. [`R`][6] 2. [`R Studio`][8] 3. `LaTeX` - Mac: [MacTeX][10] - PC: [MikTeX][11] ]] .footnote[Note: they are all **FREE**] .large[ It is important to keep **R** and **RStudio** up-to-date. ] [6]: [8]: [9]: [10]: [11]: --- ![R logo][5] .huge[Get the latest released version of FREE **Base R** from *CRAN* + the defaults are good...don't change them ] [5]: --- background-image: url( background-position: 10% 10% background-size: 200px <br><br><br><br> .huge[Get the latest version of the FREE *Open Source* **Desktop Edition** of **R Studio** + the defaults are good...don't change them ] --- ![LaTeX logo][9] ### Mac: [MacTeX][10] - Download (5+ min) to a folder and them double click on the PKG file and follow the installation instructions. - You don't need to open anything after MAcTeX is finished installing. ### Windows: [MikTeX][11] - Pick the latest version of the **Net Installer**, not the Basic! You need the full version + 64-bit is better, if you have a 64-bit machine + When your **download** is complete, run the downloaded **installer**. Windows may ask you if you want to *“allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your PC”*. If it does, make sure to click **Yes**! .large[This is the slowest part...]