class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Creating Your Own R Package ## 📦 ### Tyson S. Barrett --- class: inverse ## What's an R package? -- ## Why make one? -- ## Alright, it's pretty cool... How do I make one? -- ## Putting that R Package on GitHub -- ## Install and Use It --- background-image: url("package_creation_circle.jpg") background-position: 90% 60% background-size: 500px ### These don't need to be done in any specific order -- it is an iterative process ### Orange are necessary ### Blue are optional .footnote[Karl Broman has a [nice primer]( about creating an R package.] --- # What is an R Package? .large[ Great question! It is a collection of: 1. Functions 2. Documentation 3. (Optional) Data 4. (Optional) Tests ] -- .large[ We will discuss the first two in this class, but first: .coral[Why create a package?] ] --- # Why, oh, why? .large[ 1. Easily load your favorite functions without having to copy-and-paste it into every file 2. Share it with other researchers easily 3. Provide your data and code easily accessible (for transparent publication) 4. Others surely exist ] --- class: center, middle, inverse # Alright, it's pretty cool... How do I make one? --- # 1. Functions .large[ This is just like the ones we created before] ```r my_function <- function(x){ ## Stuff for the function to do need <- to(decide, what, to, do) return(need) } ``` .large[.coral[ This is the hard part of creating a package -- making the function that does what you need ]] --- # Example Function ```r michael <- function(string){ ## takes string and splits it splitted <- strsplit(string, " ")[[1]] ## jumbles it jumbled <- splitted[sample(seq_along(splitted), length(splitted))] jumbled } michael('This is a sentence that made sense') ``` ``` ## [1] "sense" "sentence" "is" "that" "made" "This" ## [7] "a" ``` ### Not exactly useful, but it is a function that we can put in a package! --- # Now that you have some functions you like... .large[.coral[Let's create an R package!]] ```r library(devtools) setwd("Where/you/want/the/package/to_be/located/") create() ## creates the package stucture (folders) create_description() ## creates the description file ``` -- .large[ New folders show up and you can start saving files in the right locations ] --- background-image: url(file_structure.png) background-position: 90% 65% background-size: 350px # Package Structure Ones to know: .large[ 1. `R` = function files 2. `data` = data 3. `man` = documentation 4. `tests` = tests 5. `vignettes` = vignettes 6. `DESCRIPTION` 7. `NAMESPACE` 8. `README` ] --- # DESCPIPTION File Package: furniture Type: Package Title: Furniture for Quantitative Scientists Version: 1.7.0 Date: 2017-09-16 Authors@R: c(person("Tyson S.", "Barrett", role=c("aut","cre"), email = "", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-2137-1391")), person("Emily", "Brignone", role="aut"), person("Daniel J.", "Laxman", role="aut")) Author: Tyson Barrett [aut, cre], Emily Brignone [aut], Daniel Laxman [aut] Maintainer: Tyson Barrett <> Description: Contains three main functions (i.e., three pieces of furniture): table1() which produces a well-formatted table of descriptives common as Table 1 in research articles, tableC() which produces a well-formatted table of correlations, and washer() which is helpful in cleaning up the data. In addition, long() and wide(), built on the stats::reshape(), can help reformat the data. These furniture functions are designed to simplify common tasks in quantitative analysis. Other data summary and cleaning tools are also available. --- # DESCRIPTION File (continued) Depends: R (>= 2.10) Imports: knitr Suggests: tidyverse, rmarkdown, testthat, MASS, sjmisc LazyData: true VignetteBuilder: knitr Encoding: UTF-8 License: GPL-2 RoxygenNote: 6.0.1 --- # NAMESPACE .large[ Automatically created for you with `devtools` ] .large[ Tells `R` what functions go with that package ] --- # Documentation (Thanks to `devtools`) .large[ Before each .coral[exported function], you can provide documentation like so: ] #' Title #' #' Description of the function (e.g., what does it do? and who for?) #' #' @param argument1 what the argument is #' @param argument2 what this argument is #' #' @examples #' #' #' @return whatever the function returns (e.g., a vector) #' #' @import packages_your_package_relies_on #' #' @export --- # Create the Actual documentation ```r library(devtools) setwd("Where/the/package/is/located/") document() ``` .large[ The `document()` function reads the text you put above your functions and creates all the latex documentation for you ] --- # Share it on GitHub (Optional) .large[ Make the package folder a repository, commit it, and sync it ] <br> .center[.coral[.large[.large[Example]]]] <br> .large[ You can also make changes directly on GitHub ] --- # Install and Load it ## If you put it on GitHub: ```r devtools::install_github("your_username/package_name") ``` ## If it is just on your computer: ```r devtools::load_all("Where/the/package/is/located/") ```