Reshaping Your Data (Long to Wide, Wide to Long)
18 May 2017I am currently teaching an Introductory R class for Health, Behavioral, Educational, and Social Scientists. As such, I created a PDF handout describing the base R
function reshape()
to help the students to better comprehend each of the arguments and how it moves the data. It is a flexible function that can change your data from wide to long format and vice versa. Other functions, including those in the tidyverse
, are very helpful too (e.g., gather()
and spread()
) although I do not cover these in any depth in the handout.
One of the great benefits of reshape()
is that it can easily reshape the data based on several variables/measures [e.g., depression measured at time 1 (depr1
) and time 2(depr2
) and anxiety measured at time 1 (anx1
) and time 2 (anx2
)]. This is shown in the handout, from wide to long and long to wide.
A PNG copy of the handout is shown below.